

    So Little Time...

    I made it over a month without blogging. I can't believe it - this is so awesome! To my fan base - hey, we did it! This honor is as much mine as it is yours - seriously.

    Wow, they're so many people to thank. Let's see, I'd like to thank everyone who made this possible starting with the play that I've been cast in and it's many rehearsals (including you, Sundays!), and Showcase 53 for the many movies that I've seen. Also working a bit stranger hours at work - can't forget about you. Let's see, who am I forgetting....uhm....Oh! The Xbox360 for your many games and DVD's who, without you, I may have actually had free time to do other things.

    And I'd like to thank God for all that stuff he does too.

    You know - not blogging for a month started as a dream, but through consistent laziness and A.D.D., I was able to get to this level and if I can do it - so can you. LET'S KEEP IT REAL!

    Now that that's out of the way, let's begin, shall we?

    First off, I broke with a promise that I had made and I caved and finally bought Episodes IV, V, & VI of the Star Wars saga after swearing that I would hold out until they released a big six-pack with all of them. However, they hit me with that whole "limited edition" thing with these DVD's being the only time that the original theatrical cuts would be released. So I caved and bought them. The rumor, of course, is that the six-pack is coming out next year and if IV, V, & VI in that set inculde the original cuts, then I'll trade in mine towards the purchase of it. Otherwise, I feel justified in finally caving to peer pressure and the hype machine and buying them.

    The originals look great, in that nostalgic sort of way. The new ones have all of the updates, of course, and apparently even more tinkering was done by LucasArts in this version as well. I don't know about you, but I actually wasn't that weirded out to see Hayden Christansen appear as Annikin at the end of Return of the Jedi as I feared I would be. However, the inexcusable offense is the replacement of the Ewoks celebration song at the end of the film. The Ewoks were already hard to stomach as it was in the series, but there was this modicum of redemption for them in that jovial, and awkwardly disarming music they played at the end which blended into a heavenly chorus. Now, it's this forced (no pun intended) weird party music that just seems out of place. I don't really mind all the other touch-ups because, as I've said before, it's Lucas' series to to with whatever he wants, but that music was unique and fun and it's a mistake to have messed with it.

    Granted, I'm sure all of you have your own opinions on the touch-ups, whether you view them as sacreligious or share the opinion that Lucas is now making the film he had originally envisioned, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter.

    At the talkie pictures, the lady and I saw Little Miss Sunshine and it was so good! If any of you have ever said, "my family is so weird," than this is the film for you. Steve Carell continues to impress and the entire cast is really solid, but Alan Arkin stole the film for me. His on screen time is priceless and it's interesting to think back on the fact that he was one of the originals at The Second City when it started in Chicago. Although it's not technically an independent film, although marketed as one, this is such a good script and so well put together that it's a must see for the year. GO SEE IT!

    I also bore witness to the human bumper car extravaganza known as Jackass: Number Two, which had quite a bit to live up to seeing as the first movie was one of my favorite movies the year that it came out. Sometimes, it's just fun to tap into that Dumb & Dumber mentality and just enjoy watching grown men get the crap kicked out them in the most sophomoric way possible. That theory applies here, but I will admit to a 'been there before' feel when watching this film. Although, I will say seeing it in a packed theater is really the only way to witness this carnality as all of those, "Oh my GOD," moments are shared by 50 or so anonymous voices. I think it's worth at least one viewing, but I can't really see justifying going back for seconds.

    I actually did something else be
    sides watch movies too, you know. We went to Chicago for my 30th Dave Matthews Band concert, which means that I got to see my 30th show in my 30th year of life. The crazy thing is that there was a guy three rows behind us who turned 32 and was at his 30th show as well. He was attempting to synch up his show total with his birthday llike I had (so I'm not the only DMB nerd out there). We were literally in the 7th row and the show was incredible. George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic opened and just set an amazing tone for the rest of the show.

    And contrary to my parents belief that upon hitting this personal milestone, that I would "sl
    ow down a bit" and not go to that many more DMB concerts, this is only the beginning...

    I did some sight-seeing of my old haunt the following day and ventured down to Milennium Park. There were some pretty cool pieces down there including this amazing silver structure which gave off a cool reflection of the skyline. Actually, there really wasn't a "bad" side to it.

    Underneath the structure was it's center, which is where pretty much everyone was cramming under as there were no less than four wedding parties there trying to capture moments of their big day. I snuck in and got a quick shot before being ushered away.

    The park is a pretty incredible place (with much more to do than I have mentioned here) and if you can get there before one of those trademark Chicago winters hits
    , I more than recommend it. The Art Museum is close by as is the Magnificant Mile, so the culture and shopping fiends in you can both be satiated.

    Also, if you haven't discovered the ranting bliss that is The Ricky Gervais Show over at iTunes, then you really need to do yourself a service and go check it out. It made the Guiness Book of World Records for the most downloaded podcast ever, and you haven't heard anything yet until you discover the world of Karl Pilkington. If you are a fan of either version of The Office, then you really should make these podcasts a part of your expereince. Trust me - you will absosmurfly love it.

    Alright, I think I've bored you enough for another month. Take care of yourselves, enjoy life, have good poops and we'll see you back here soon!