

    Guess who was here this weekend?!

    Oh, did the graphic give it away?

    The troupe from ComedyC ity - Kansas City rode their most noble steed into town this weekend to have a comedic throw down with the crew from CSzQC. As always, they never fail to impress and this weekend was no different. Unfortunately, I didn't get to hook up with them Saturday night post show for too long, but I heard the show itself went really well and they all looked happy consuming copious amounts of alcohol and pizza as I left them at Huckleberry's.

    They left with a copy of Your Little Ponies in their hands and I'm curious to see what they think of it.

    At any rate, I hope they all had a fun time hanging in the Quads and I can't wait to get back down to Missouri and tear it up with them at their venue again.

    But not literally tear anything because Clancy will probably get mad.


    Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

    I was kicking myself trying to recall what was on that disc. It wasn't identified from the net and I had 2 other discs that I received which I listened to also. After a cursory listen, I found myself laughing.

    cszponce said...

    I'll send you a list via e-mail or click the Your Little Ponies link on my blog. I'm sure they'll have a track listing there.