

    Who Broke The Mirror?

    On Friday, at CSz we had:
    • our ref get into a car accident and miss the show (he's o.k.)
    • our bartender go to the hospital with heart flutters
    • a cast member simply just not show up
    • our cash register break after completing the first transaction
    • our judging paddles break
    • someone almost get fired
    • our sister theatres' computers freeze up
    • our rear access door magically unlock itself
    • and a toilet back up
    I'm not that superstitious, but it was Friday the 13th.Oooooo!


    Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

    Who got into a car accident and which bartender went to the hospital? I hope everyone involved is ok. Please let me know. Oh, you also had a cast member flake on a performance? Shocking!

    cszponce said...

    Gary Baker went to the hospital and John Hannon was in the car accident. Both are fine now, thankfully, but were understandably shaken up a bit.

    Big changes coming to CSzQC in April... will have to chat with you sometime.

    JJSKCK said...

    Josh wants to hear too.

    How have you been, Jeff D?